Wednesday, February 2, 2011


we will not be playing this friday 2/4 for record hospital.
here's coerced's II demo tour tape tracks from last summer.
scroll page down for our older s/t demo tape .mp3s, if you wanted those.
both our tapes and shirts are... somewhere. we should send/ sell them. sorry. working on that effort. and thank you if you bought one.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

havad radio redo

coerced will be doing a live radio set for the record hospital on Friday 11.26.2011 at 10 pm EST.

so save some foil for an antenna, or climb into the van to tune-in locally at 95.3FM [harvard radio broadcasting].

ou can also listen via the internet radio straight from the record hospital site [link'd above] or @

live shit set to start around ten. we play a short set. then we'll be pushing the dj's buttons, taking names, and just gettin' up in them guts at the station until eleven pm. so call in some damn requests.